SIMMTECH Labor Policy
- SIMMTECH Co., Ltd. complies with the human rights, labor, and ethics standards proposed by the International organizations (UN, ILO, etc.), and practices the guarantee of rights to all human dignity as a basic value without discrimination in gender, age, race, religion, etc.
- SIMMTECH Co., Ltd. complies with the RBA Code of Conduct and enforces this Policy as the SIMMTECH Code of Conduct to ensure that all partners that do business with us are responsible for compliance.
- SIMMTECH Co., Ltd. actively communicates with all workers to implement the "SIMMTECH Code of Conduct".
- SIMMTECH Co., Ltd. complies with domestic and international labor standards, RBA Code of Conduct, customer requirements and other requirements, and focuses on continuous improvement/practice activities.
- SIMMTECH Co., Ltd. faithfully practices the "SIMMTECH Code of Conduct" to become a leading Sustainable Management company that fulfills its social responsibilities, and establishes and manages operating guidelines.
Human Rights Management Mid- to Long-term Targets and Strategies
- SIMMTECH recognizes human rights management as an important corporate social responsibility and has established mid- to long-term goals and specific action plans to realize human rights management. To fulfill our corporate social responsibility through the practice of human rights management, we are strengthening an organizational culture based on Integrity and conducting human rights education for all employees to internalize human rights management. Additionally, we are expanding human rights risk management activities in various directions to enhance communication with diverse stakeholders and to foster sustainable growth by increasing trust between the company and its members.
Protection of Employees and Stakeholders
Human Rights Education
- SIMMTECH conducts annual human rights education for all employees, including training on sexual harassment prevention, workplace bullying prevention, and disability awareness.
Channels for Receiving Human Rights-Related Suggestions
- SIMMTECH receives suggestions through various methods to improve the working environment and protect employee rights. The company strives to gather employee opinions and foster consensus through constant communication via internal consultative bodies. Additionally, SIMMTECH operates a separate ethical management reporting channel to protect the human rights of all stakeholders, not just employees, and continues its human rights management activities. Issues received from internal and external stakeholders are addressed according to the company's internal review process.
SNS Operating communication channels
accessible via mobile devices -
On/Off-line Reporting Volations of ethical management practices
via phone, email, or mail -
Surveys Receive partner reports
on ethical violations
Results of Human Rights-Related Suggestions
- SIMMTECH operates a system where employees can submit their opinions on work environment, HR, welfare, etc., through an anonymous internal communication channel called 'SIMM-TALK' and through various committees. We strives to prevent and remedy human rights violations through this system. Suggestions or complaints received are promptly addressed, and the results are transparently shared to resolve grievances. For suggestions that cannot be immediately acted upon, mid-to-long-term plans are established to actively reflect the opinions of the members.
Category 2023 Work Environment HR Welfare Others Received (cases) 46 6 5 3 Processing Status (%) 73% 100% 100% 100% Management activities for identifying major risks related to human rights
- SIMMTECH complies with domestic laws and international standards included in the RBA Code of Conduct. We also strives to mitigate potential risks that may arise from non-compliance with human rights, labor, and ethics-related provisions. To this end, SIMMTECH analyzes global guidelines and relevant directives to establish evaluation criteria for assessing the current state of human rights, and regularly checks for human rights risks.
Category Stakeholders Content Code of Conduct for Ethical Management Employees SIMMTECH and all its employees practice corporate ethical management based on the core value of Integrity in their relationships with various stakeholders, striving for the development of the semiconductor industry and a better world. SIMMTECH Code of Conduct Employees In compliance with the RBA Code of Conduct, SIMMTECH has established operational guidelines on human rights and labor that employees must follow, including the prohibition of forced labor, child labor, working hours, and discrimination. Code of Conduct for Ethical Management of Supplier Suppliers To ensure compliance management and the fulfillment of social responsibilities by our partners, SIMMTECH has established and mandated an ethical management code of conduct, specifying compliance with the code as a condition in contracts. RBA Audit Employees Through regular RBA certification renewals at the request of customers, SIMMTECH evaluates the current state of human rights and labor-related issues, and implements corrective actions for identified risks. Company-wide Human Rights Education Employees SIMMTECH conducts company-wide human rights education for all employees once a year, which includes sexual harassment prevention training, workplace bullying prevention training, and anti-discrimination education to improve awareness of disabilities. SHE Management System Employees, Local Community Through ISO 45001 certification, SIMMTECH has established a systematic occupational health and safety management system. Additionally, we formulate safety, health, and chemical management policies and provide regular training to essential personnel to continuously enhance the safety levels at our workplaces. -
Employee Diversity Goals
- SIMMTECH aims for an inclusive culture that respects the diversity of all employees, including gender, nationality, disability, religion, individuality, and personality, based on a code of conduct that explicitly prohibits discrimination and workplace harassment. Through this, we create an environment free from discrimination or disadvantage, providing fair opportunities to all members and promoting harmonious growth. Additionally, we strive to enhance the diversity of our workforce and eliminate discrimination and inequality by maintaining employment for people with disabilities and gradually increasing the ratio of female employees.
Employment Status
Employee Status(Unit : Persons)Category 2022 2023 Total Number (persons) 3,040 2,896 Gender Male 2,486 2,351 Female 554 545 Job Category Operation 2,165 1,986 Office and Technical 875 910 "Position
(Office and Technical)Executives Male 39 38 Female 1 1 Employee Level
(Senior and above)Male 358 381 Female 69 77 Employee Level
(Specialist and below)Male 279 290 Female 129 123 Voluntary Turnover Rate (%) 10.6 16.9 Employment of Disabled Persons(Unit : %)Category 2022 2023 Percentage of employees with disabilities Target Progress Target Progress 3.1 3.3 3.1 3.1