Dividend Policy
SIMMTECH determines its dividends by considering a range of factors, including investment, cash flow, financial structure, and dividend stability, with a focus on enhancing shareholder value and return. We aim to maintain a stable dividend level that not only improves our financial structure but also meets the dividend needs of our shareholders, thereby maximizing shareholder value.
Dividends under the Articles of Incorporation
- Equal Dividends of New Shares (Article 12)
- Shares issued by a Raise in capital (Paid-in Capital Increase or Right Issues), a Free Capital Increase(Bonus Issue), and a stock dividend before the dividend base date set by the company shall be equally distributed.
- Profit Dividend (Article 55)
- Dividends can be paid either in cach, shares or with other assets.
- In case of profit dividend is distributed as stocks and the company issued several types of stocks, it can be substituted with other types of stocks by resolution of the general shareholders meeting.
- The dividend as set forth in the foregoing Paragraph 1 shall be paid to shareholders or registered pledgees listed in the shareholders register list as of the dividend base date prescribed by resolution of the board of directors.
- The dividend shall be determined by the resolution of the general share holders meeting. However, if the board of directors approves the financial statements pursuant to Articles of Association 52-3, it shall be determined by a resoulution of the board of directors.
- Quarterly dividend (Article 55-2)
- The company may distribute quarterly dividends under Article 165-12 of the Capital Markets and Financial Investment Business Act to shareholders as of the end of March, June, and September from the start of the business year. Quarterly dividends shall be made in Money.
- Resolutions for quarterly dividends as set forth in the foregoing Paragraph 1 shall be adopted by a resolution of Board of Directors: Provided that such resolution shall be made within forty five (45) days from each base date as set forth in the foregoing Paragraph 1.
- The amount of quarterly dividends shall not exceed the amount of net assets in balance sheet of preceding settlement term after deducting the following amounts:
- Amount of capital of preceding settlement term;
- Total amount of capital reserves and earned reserve deposited up to preceding settlementterm;
- Unrealized profits as prescribed in the Enforcement Decree of the Commercial Act;
- Amount of distribution of profit which has been decided at resolution of general shareholders meeting of the preceding settlement period.
- Amount of discretionary reserve up to preceding settlement term for special purpose either under a provision of this Articles of Association or by a resolution of general shareholders meeting;
- Amount of earned reserve to be deposited in relevant settlement term for the reason of quarterly dividends
- Total of quarterly dividends which have been made in relevant business year.
- The quarterly dividends under paragraph 1 shall be equally distributed to the shares issued before the base date of the quarterly dividends.
Dividend Status
Cash Dividend Status for the Last 5 Business Years(Unit : KRW, %)Year Dividend per Share(KRW) Total Dividends
(KRW Million)Dividend Payout Ratio(%)* Dividend Yield(%)** Common Shares Preferred Shares 2023 160 5,095 0.4 2022 500 15,923 6.4 1.8 2021 500 15,923 13.6 1.1 2020 320 320 10,418 18.4 1.5 2019 160 160 3,703 1.4 * Dividend Payout Ratio = Total Dividends / Net income(Controlling Shareholder) x 100** Dividend Yield = Dividend per Share / Average of the closing price of dividends over the past Week -
General Shareholders Meeting
Status of Voting Rights at 9th General Shareholders Meeting
Total number of issued and outstanding shares with voting rights(Unit : Share)
Category Number of Shares Total number of issued 31,854,143 Total number of issued and outstanding shares with voting rights General Agenda* 31,845,877 Auditor Appointment Agenda The largest shareholders and related persons General Agenda 10,554,790 Auditor Appointment Agenda * The number of Common Shares excluding 8,266 treasury shares. -
Approval Status by Agenda(Unit : %, Share)
Category Approval(%) Refusal(%) Number of Voting Rights Attended Attendance(%) Attendance rate excluding the largest shareholder(%) Approval Result Approval of Financial Statements 98.7 1.3 16,574,132 52.0 18.9 Approved as Original Approval of Amendments to the Articles of Incorporation 71.7 28.3 16,574,132 52.0 18.9 Approved as Original Appointment of Internal Director 1 95.1 4.9 16,574,132 52.0 18.9 Approved as Original Appointment of Internal Director 2 93.8 6.2 16,574,132 52.0 18.9 Approved as Original Approval of Remuneration Limit for Directors 98.3 1.7 16,574,132 52.0 18.9 Approved as Original Appointment of Internal Audit 99.3 0.7 16,574,132 52.0 18.9 Approved as Original